EO For Agriculture Under Pressure Worshop 2024

The EO4Agri workshop is hosted jointly by the EC and ESA at the ESA headquaters in Frascati, Rome. The even was co-organised by the World Food Programme, the Food and Agriculture Organization, and GEOGLAM.

This event broguht together the core community of people working on EO-based science and solutions for agriculture as well as users, including scientists, data and service providers, national and international agencies and other institutions in order to present and discuss state of the art, evolving needs, and priority areas for future projects of Horizon Europe and FutureEO.

Dúalta presented the team’s work on climate adaptation and intervention audits in the Senegal River Valley, work soon to be published in a peer-reviewed journal.

The meeting was an opportunity for the team to network with individuals working on cutting-edge methods for remote sensing in agriculture, as well as communicating the team’s hard work and results over the past few months.

The team provided recommendations to the EC and ESA moving into the future to intervention based strategies in developing nations with regards to the climate adaptation and food security.

The presentation can be found on the EO for society youtube channel:

Data Scientist & EO-AI specialist